Th 27th Conference of the Nordic Sociological Association, is organized and hosted by the Department of Sociology at Lund University, Sweden.
Abstract submission is closed. Registration is open.INFORMATION
Vi på LEGE är offentligt biträde för föräldrar vars barn har omhändertagits. Vi är även offentligt biträde/ställföreträdare för barn.
- TimecenterLocal organizing committee
Christofer Edling (Chair)
Lisa Eklund
Sara Eldén
Carl-Göran Heidegren
Bo Isenberg
Magnus Karlsson
Åsa Lundqvist
Chris Matthieu
Gunnar Andersson (CFO)
This is the rough programme outline. Note that there will be sessions Thursday-Saturday and please plan attendance accordingly. The final program will be posted in June 2014.
- Wednesday, August 13, Late Afternoon/Evening:
Early registration, Evening Get Together. - Thursday, August 14, Full Day:
Opening, Keynote(s), Sessions, Plenaries, Posters, and Exhibitions.
Lunch and Welcome Reception. - Friday, August 15, Full Day:
Keynote, Sessions, Plenaries, Posters, and Exhibitions.
Lunch, Conference Dinner. - Saturday, August 16, Half Day:
Assembly, Sessions, Plenary, Posters, and Exhibitions.
Keynote speakers:
- Michael Burawoy, University of California at Berkeley
- Eva Illouz, Hebrew University
- Guy Standing, SOAS University of London
Plenary sessions on the following themes:
- Asian Encounters
- The Future of Social Solidarity
- Nordic Noir
- Social Acceleration
- The Precariat